GOMaximo Justification: Why

Are you wanting to attend GOMaximo? Do you need to submit a justification? Please find below a template to submit to your supervisor.



To: < Insert Supervisor name>

Date: < Insert date>

Subject: Attending GOMaximo 2022

I’d like to request your approval to attend GOMaximo 2022. The event will be held in Houston from March 30 – April 1, 2022. After many virtual events over the past two years, I am excited to attend the first in-person Maximo event of 2022 in Houston.

This Maximo Users Group is one of the premier educational working groups dedicated to IBM Maximo. While the conference has historically focused on HSE, Oil and Gas, this year’s event will focus on cross-industry Maximo education. I’ll have access to experts from around the world so I can grow my skills and increase our productivity.

Attendees have access to quite a bit of content — 40+ sessions. This will make selecting topics directly applicable to my work and will allow me to network with a variety of Maximo experts and colleagues who have faced similar challenges.

In addition to the educational workshops, GOMaximo offers a diverse expo hall where I can identify new products and potential partners.

The onsite Houston event, which also includes parking, breakfast and lunch, offers two options for attendance:

    • Full three-day in-person Workshop in Houston: $525
    • One day: Workshop Wednesday in Houston: $288

Details and agenda may be found at GOMaximo.org :: https://www.gomaximo.org

Attending GOMaximo 2022 will have huge value for me and < insert company, department or organization here>. Please let me know if you have any questions, and thanks in advance for your support.

< Insert your name>